What are the best-paid part time jobs in Canada for Indian students? What are the earning prospects for Indian students in Canada to support their education and lifestyle? These are some relevant questions every aspirant for Canada will have.
Canada is a land of opportunities indeed. This is what attracts hundreds of thousands of Indian students to pursue their higher education in Canada. The top universities in Canada offer unique academic programs and opportunities to international students.
Besides, the prospects of post-study work permit and job opportunities are also bright in Canada. All these factors make Canada the first choice destination for Indian students. This explains why Canada is popular among students who want to study abroad after 12th or even graduation.
However, it makes complete sense to know about the earning prospects before you land in Canada. This of course is the inclusive preparation you do while moving abroad. A clear idea of the best part-time jobs in Canada for Indian students gives you a great headstart. Once you are in Canada, you will know the direction your job search should move in.
Having said that this blog is to facilitate the knowledge of part-time jobs in Canada that you must have. In this blog, we will tell you about some of the highest part-time jobs in Canada for Indian students. But before that, do you know how many hours can you work as an international student in Canada? Let’s find out that first.
Working as an international student in Canada
Ideally, international students can work 20 hours a week in the course of a regular academic session. During breaks, you can work full-time as the classes will not be on. However, if you are studying at one of the top universities in Canada, you may not have much free time. Needless to say, good universities demand a lot out of you.
Now that you know how much you can work as an international student in Canada, let us move ahead. Let us now shed light on the most in-demand and best-paid part time jobs in Canada for Indian students.
Best paid part-time jobs in Canada for Indian Students
- Tutoring
Tutoring is one of the most in-demand jobs in Canada that you pursue as a student. What better than sharing your knowledge with others and earning for it? On average, tutors can earn about 16 CAD per hour in Canada. However, if you are very confident of your expertise, you can ask for higher remuneration.
The best part about being a tutor is the flexibility of time it offers. You can adjust the classes at your convenience because you are the boss here. In fact, you can also tutor kids in a virtual or hybrid environment. Being a student, you will enjoy a lot of convenience and discretion working as a tutor.
Make sure you are working on your soft skills a lot to do well as a tutor. Even if we talk about part-time jobs in Canada, soft skills are highly essential in contemporary times.
- Dog Walker
Did you know being a dog walker could actually be a job with fancy pay? Well, if you are moving to Canada, you must know this. By walking around people’s pet dogs, you can make 14 CAD per hour on average.
Now, if you are a dog person, you would absolutely love the job, isn’t it? So, what better than being with adorable dogs and getting paid for it? See, Canada is a fast-moving country with people racing against time. Hence, people do not have the luxury of time to take their pets for walks. This is where you have a great opportunity to find work as a dog walker or a pet sitter.
- Barista
Your sheer love for coffee could also be reflected in your part-time job! Why not be a barista and brew coffee like a pro on your way to earning some extra money? Being a barista is one of the best-paid part-time jobs in Canada for international students.
As a Barista, you could earn up to 12 CAD per annum in Canada. This is actually pretty good for a part-time job. In fact, if you have any time left after your shift, you can work as a pet sitter then.
- Translator
If you have multilingual skills, why not make the most of it? If you are someone who flaunts command over four to five languages, you can earn pretty well working as a translator. As a translator, you can make up to 22 CAD per hour.
This is certainly a tad more than other part-time jobs in Canada for Indian students. This is purely because of the fact that this is a highly skilled job. Skilled jobs for sure have better remuneration across all industries and countries.
Even if being a translator requires you to learn a new language, it should not be much of a difficulty. You can master a language via multiple mediums of learning in a month or two. It is worth all the learning and hustle after all!
- Sales Assistant/ Retail Worker
Are you good with your persuasive skills and your ability to engage people? If that is the case, a salesperson or sales assistant job will be the ideal fit for you. You can work at retail stores and brands as a sales associate.
If we talk about wages, a sales assistant can earn anywhere between 20 CAD to 30 CAD per hour. However, again, it is a skill-based job and your skills will be tested to the core. If you thrive in this part-time job, you can definitely raise the bar of earnings much higher.
So, now you have a fair idea of the most sought-after part-time jobs in Canada for Indian students. We have summarized the same for you along with the earning prospects. This will definitely help you plan your ambition of pursuing education in Canada better.